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Showing posts from 2015

Running Metasploit/NMap/Telnet and more with ProxyChains - KaliLinux

Here we need to have two things installed in the system if they don't already exist in your system: Tor ProxyChains  Now the trick is with the configuration in proxychains.conf which is in the path /etc/proxychains.conf Given bellow is the configuration you need to have: The highlighted config is required for Metasploit to connect itself with the Postgresql database.  Using Tor as socks4 proxy proxychains.conf Once you the config ready, all you have to do is to run each tool with proxychains: Starting Metasploit Tor proxied proxychains msfconsole Starting NMap Tor proxied proxychains nmap -sV --version-all Staring Telnet Tor proxied proxychains telnet 80 This will make all those tools to run with proxychains [with Tor] providing higher anonymity for your attacks.

Configuring Log level and Log file for TOR - KaliLinux

The configuration file for TOR is torrc [1] which is in the path /etc/tor/torrc . You have to enable some configurations in this file manually to enable logging in different log levels. Tor has several log levels: err": something bad just happened, and we can't recover. Tor will exit. "warn": something bad happened, but we're still running. The bad thing might be a bug in the code, some other Tor process doing something unexpected, etc. The operator should examine the message and try to correct the problem. "notice": something the operator will want to know about. "info": something happened (maybe bad, maybe ok), but there's nothing you need to (or can) do about it. "debug": for everything louder than info. It is quite loud indeed. Lets enable "notice" and "debug" and log them into separate files. Find the following section of the config file: The torrc config file log configuration Uncommen...